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The Boston Marathon’s Retro Bandit Returns

The "Retro Bandit" was identified after The 2018 Boston Marathon. He earned the nickname for running (at least a small portion of) The Boston Marathon wearing a 1996 Boston Marathon bib. Further research showed that he jumped into the 2016 and 2017...

Bib Stealing and Course Cutting at The Barkley Marathons?

Readers of Marathon Investigation are familiar with "Patty Pan" and Bre Tiesi-Manziel. In an almost unbelievable coincidence, these worlds collided at Frozen Head State Park in Wartburg Tennessee A Questionable Policy The application fee for...

Strava Doesn’t Lie – Bandits Identified in Oakland

Part of my race review process is to look at Strava data. This process is relatively simple. You can look at a runner that participated in a race and view other results from the flyby feature. Sometimes I find...

Marathon Investigation Podcast #15 – Bre Tiesi-Manziel, Ultra Cheating, Back of The Packers & More

On this episode we talk about a variety of topics with repeat guest Tony Portera. Bre Tiesi-Manziel and an email I received from prisonThoughts on mid and back of the pack cheatingApparent cheating at Tunnel...

From BQ to DQ – Runner Loses Boston Qualifying Result For Using a Pacer

Ashley Rollins ran her dream race at The 2018 California International Marathon. Ashley ran a time of 3:28:06. Her time was one minute and fifty four seconds under the new qualifying standards for The Boston Marathon. Ashley did not...

Scotland Bib Swapping Leads To Disqualification and Likely Ban

The D33 Ultra took place this past weekend in Scotland. Paddy finished in 3rd place in his division. But, not without controversy. The above post was made on a Scottish running group page.

“Gone For A Run” – Running Store’s Questionable Practices Exposed

On Thursday, Dorothy Beal (@mileposts) fired off a tweet aimed at the running website GoneforaRUN.com. This website very clearly took Dorothy's words and used those words (and the design) on one of their products. you...

All Cheating Matters – Even at The Back of The Pack

Some people think I should only write about people that are cheating for Boston or for Age Group wins. Some people think back of the pack runners should get a pass. I disagree. While MarathonInvestigation.com has evolved over...

Frustration in Tokyo as Runners Deal With Strict Cutoffs

The Tokyo Marathon has notoriously strict cutoff times. It was reported b participants that 'hundreds of runners' were prevented from continuing the race after the 10 kilometer cutoff. Tokyo Marathon Cutoff Times - 2019 Runners Handbook

Race Announcer Rudy Novotny Offers $10K to Charity if Bre Tiesi-Manziel Can Run A Six Minute Mile

Bre Tiesi-Manziel gained unwanted notoriety last week after her claim of completing a sub two hour half marathon came under scrutiny. Timing data shows that for her time to be believed, she would have had to run the final 6.7 miles in...

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