

Marathon Investigation Podcast #15 – Bre Tiesi-Manziel, Ultra Cheating, Back of The Packers &...

On this episode we talk about a variety of topics with repeat guest Tony Portera. Bre Tiesi-Manziel and an email I received from prisonThoughts on mid and back of the...

“Gone For A Run” – Running Store’s Questionable Practices Exposed

On Thursday, Dorothy Beal (@mileposts) fired off a tweet aimed at the running website This website very clearly took Dorothy's words and used those words (and the design) on one of their products....

All Cheating Matters – Even at The Back of The Pack

Some people think I should only write about people that are cheating for Boston or for Age Group wins. Some people think back of the pack runners should get a pass. I disagree.

Race Announcer Rudy Novotny Offers $10K to Charity if Bre Tiesi-Manziel Can Run A...

Bre Tiesi-Manziel gained unwanted notoriety last week after her claim of completing a sub two hour half marathon came under scrutiny. Timing data shows that for her time to be believed, she would have had to run...

How an Admitted Bib Forger Took Down Marathon Investigation

Two weeks ago, Valerie Reyes was featured in three separate articles on Marathon Investigation. Valerie was outed for running with forged bibs at numerous events. I originally estimated that she likely was responsible for faked entries worth...

Heather Lieberg claims Austin Marathon Victory after a Literal Battle With Mary Akor

Heather Lieberg won The Austin Marathon. She was leading the elite women very early on in the race. Despite this, she found herself engaged in an unexpected battle with Mary Akor. Mary is an elite runner, who...

Bib Muling at Surf City

One thing that I look for whenever I have a complete set of results are runners with identical split times - or runners with no more than a 1 second variance at any timing mats.

Anita Carcone – Interview yields some answers, but raises additional questions

When I wrote the article on Anita Carcone, I focused on her over the top reaction to being disqualified from The San Diego International Triathlon. The story was less about the actual disqualification as it was her response. “…I hope that...

Marine Corps Marathon Analysis Uncovers Serial Course Cutter

I am mostly complete with my analysis of The Marine Corps Marathon Results. I already wrote about Brandy's course cutting. She has since been disqualified. During the deeper analysis more instances of apparent course cutting has been detected. In re-running the...

“Twin Gate” – Runner Disqualified From Chicagoland Marathon

Earlier this week, I received word from the timer that Holly was officially removed from the results of The 2018 Chicagoland Marathon. Publicly, Holly was quiet after the initial articles. Her sister, Heather, who ran and entered Boston under Holly's name was...

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