
Marathon Investigation During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic is at the top of everyone's mind, and will be for a long time. There have been no major races since The LA Marathon was held on March 8th. On March 8th there were...

Coronavirus Threatens Race Season

To support Marathon Investigation, you can make a contribution by clicking on the bottom of the page, or go to Everyone's support is appreciated! The Coronavirus (COV-19) is changing our...

Bridge Run Incident: Reporter Speaks, Runner Apologizes, Police Report is Filed

The story of The 'Bridge Run Incident' has garnered national attention over the last few days. The video of the incident has been viewed millions of times and the national media has run with the story. Yesterday,...

Reporter Assaulted by Runner – The LetsRun Community Reacts

EDIT: I have modified the title of this article. Initially the title gave many the impression that the responses in the referenced thread were reflective of the opinion of the site operators. That was an unfair....

Reporter Harassed While Reporting Live from Savannah Race

On Saturday, WSAV (Savannah) reporter Alex Bozarjian was reporting from The Savannah Bridge Run. As is typical during live reports people were waving to the camera and jumping into the frame. One runner took this to a...

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