Habitual Course Cutter Disqualified From Boston Marathon


George Taylor is no longer in the official Boston Marathon results.

As seen above, and previously reported, George had missed the same timing mat in the past three Boston Marathons.


In my previous article on George, I showed how this would be virtually impossible to happen by chance. I also showed that he ran with a copied bib in 2010. Here is the link to the original article.


As often is the case, when I write an article, other runners posted their experiences and further information.

George’s initial claimed results appeared in some local running newsletters. He is not in the official results of these races.

George no longer appears in the result of the 2013 Cowtown Half marathon where he  finished 1st in the Grand Master category.

He also was disqualified from a Boston qualifying run at the 2010 White Rock Marathon where he missed the 10k and half  splits.

On local running groups, it seems that many runners believed or knew that George has been cutting courses for years – as seen above, he had won age group awards. It appears that he no longer does this at local races. Without a valid Boston Qualifying time now (and presumably a ban), hopefully his days of course cutting are over.

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  1. Wow. BAA took him out. I thought they were going to ignore your article! Too bad BAA didn’t remove him from at least all of the years of skipping that same mat (& not skipping mats on some of his other cheated-fast Boston times I believe can be explained by his wave/corral placement which allowed him more time & maneuverability). I believe in the Boston archives he did have some legit times early on; and his 1:51 HM at A2A in 2011 was legit as he was seen by our club members on the entire course. The Duathlons…some members of that racing scene also wondered if his times were legit. We first became skeptical of him in road racing here in OKC when he mysteriously got ahead of known fast runners at OKC Marathon when they never remembered him passing them; and his splits didn’t add up nor was he in course pics other than at end. George was even passed twice on a 5K by one of our group as he must have wanted sub-20 glory at Redbud. Once he knew that we believed he didn’t run the race times in results (a running club member told him), he stopped cheating our races (although he has apparently since been seen with a copied bib going across the OKC Marathon finish line and taking a medal).

    Thanks Derek for hopefully shutting down this Boston cheat for good!

  2. What’s the deal here though. If I am reading those splits correctly the guy just cut off 4 miles and held a 3:30 marathon pace the other 22? I know that’s where a lot of us hit the wall but why on Earth train to run 22 at that pace but have to cheat for the other 4? I am almost this guy’s age and would love to be able to run at that pace like I could when I was 25. I would take my chances for the pace on​ the additional 4. Am I reading the times wrong? It does not make sense to me.

    • To extrapolate his marathon pace, you need to add some buffer to his half marathon time. There’s a nice Runner’s World site that I’ve found to be surprisingly accurate (for me). Also, when you know you’re going to get some downtime during your cheating interval, you can run a bit harder during the real race, right? Reading this, it makes me sound like I’m a super-experienced in marathon cheating techniques!

    • Two thoughts:
      1 – It’s in the middle. With a nice 20 min break in the middle, I’m sure you could run faster two

      and more importantly

      2 – It’s cheating!

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