Bridge Run Incident: Reporter Speaks, Runner Apologizes, Police Report is Filed

Reporter Intends To File Charges Relating to Sexual Battery


The story of The ‘Bridge Run Incident‘ has garnered national attention over the last few days. The video of the incident has been viewed millions of times and the national media has run with the story. Yesterday, both the reporter, Alex Bozarjian and the runner, Thomas (Tommy) Callaway spoke to the media.

“I Was Extremely Vulnerable”

On Tuesday, the WSAV reporter, Alex Bozarjian appeared on CBS This Morning to talk in greater detail about the incident.

Thomas Callaway Apologizes

On Monday, the following statement was issued by Callaway’s attorney:

“While we regret the situation, Mr. Callaway did not act with any criminal intentions. Tommy is a loving husband and father who is very active in his community. We have been in touch with WSAV and representatives for Ms. Alex Bozarjian, as well as members of Savannah law enforcement. We do not expect any criminal charges to arise from this incident, and we are working with those involved to correct the situation.”Joseph Turner – The Turner Firm

Callaway’s apology was aired, in part, on WSAV Tuesday night.

The full interview can be found at the link below:

Police Report Filed

Alex filed a police report alleging sexual battery.

The police report indicated that Bozarjian intends to file charges. In the report, the attack was characterized as a ‘smack and grab’. In his apology, Callaway maintained that he was not sure where he touched Alex.

Additionally, The Savannah Sports Council has announced that Callaway is banned from all future events.

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    • In addition to the look on his face which show intent both coming up to her and whilst doing it. Definitely concentrating on where he’s aiming and planning just by watching his eyes and where they were at. He was never planning on mugging for the camera and did that last minute. It was his intent from the get-go

  1. Yeah the guy diverted from the course very early and came up on her. And I don’t believe he was just going to wave his arms. (Also those complaining on other sites, she was clearly NOT on the course).

  2. What an amazingly stupid thing to do… The statement from his lawyer mentions his wife and children; while I highly disapprove of what he did I’m saddened to think of his family enduring the public lashing they are about to experience.

  3. “Tommy is a loving husband and father who is very active in his community.“ And he’s a sleaze bag who groped a woman doing her job live on television. One has nothing to do with the other. Can’t this dude just issue a real apology…

    • If I were facing criminal charges, I expect my lawyer would advise me not to apologize for my alleged crime. I suspect he wants to apologize but is avoiding saying anything beyond “we regret the situation”.

      I agree with you this isn’t a real apology, though, and I don’t expect to see one unless charges are dropped.

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