Marine Corps Marathon – 6th Place Female Appears To Have Cut Course This Year and Used Bib Mule in 2017


Brandy currently shows as the 6th place woman in the unofficial Marine Corps Marathon Results. I pulled down the complete results the evening of the marathon. Many of the runners with missing splits have been removed from the results. But Brandy remains in the still unofficial results.

She missed every single intermediate split on her way to a 2:53:35 time. Her only photos are just prior to the finish, and after the finish, wearing a marathon medal.

Not Her First Questionable Result – 2017 MCM

In 2016, Brandy ran the MCM with Chelsea. Their splits are all within a few seconds of each other and they finished the race in over 7 hours, crossing the finish line together. They appear in many photos together on the course.

In 2017, they had practically identical splits –  only the occasional 1 second variance. Brandy and Chelsea both have a finish time of 3:50:24.

However, for 2017, there are no photos of Brandy on the course. Chelsea appears alone in all photos. The implication of this is that Chelsea carried Brandy’s chip.

While I flagged Brandy immediately when pulling the results, the analysis on the prior results was sent to me via a tip and posted in a thread on I always appreciate the tips.

I have reported this situation to The Marine Corps Marathon. I continue to dive into the results.

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  1. actually she was in 4th place (female division) until the last 50 feet and she just let 2 other ladies pass her right up. Best video ever. Donation to marathon investigation on the way

  2. The finishing video, which includes countless sub-3 hour marathon runners sprinting across the line, shows her slowly walking through the finish line. It’s very hard to imagine her having run the previous 26.2 miles at a sub-3 pace based on how she is finishing. I have to question what portion of the course she actually completed as she looks to be in a totally different state of mind from all of the other runners finishing around her.

  3. I just checked the results page and it looks like she’s been wiped from the results. Her name is there, but there is no place, no time, age group, etc.

    And yes, the finish line video was comical to watch.

  4. I was watching that race at the turn up to Iwo Jima (so about mile 26.1) from the 2:30 marathoners up to the 3:15 finishers.

    I never saw this woman – she would have stood out, because I was counting down the female runners. Maybe I missed her, but I doubt it

    I suspect she jumped onto the course just after the turn off of 110 onto the hill. I wonder if she took the metro to Rosslyn, and then walked south on 110 to the turn (the runners would have been approaching from the opposite direction).

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