Wenatchee Marathon Issues Statement Condemning JD Greening – Bans him from future events


Ted Driven, owner of the Wenatchee Marathon and Leavenworth Marathon issued a statement tonight regarding J.D. Greening’s participation and claims regarding the Wenatchee Marathon.

I am quite impressed with the marathon’s response and handling of this difficult situation. Despite J.D. Greening’s claims that the race was disorganized, they immediately determined that he cut the course and made sure that J.D.’s actions did not affect the true winner of the marathon, Zach Brock.
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  1. What a beautifully written letter. Thanks for publishing it and for continuing to do the yeoman’s work that led them to this conclusion. We should all think of this letter every time someone says posts a “why do you bother, it’s just a race” comment on this site.

  2. Impressive work from the race directors, an example to race directors everywhere (including me). Terrible decisions such as that by the VIA Marathon in the Rossi case only hurt the sport and its credibility.

  3. I love the fact that the race organizers gave him a gracious “out” from his lie by placing him in the Half category. In return, he spat and insulted them. Despicable. I’m glad he was DQ’d outright and banned for life. Hopefully the other races where he ran as a bandit or bib swapper will follow suit.

  4. And to think, this guy was running for public office. The picture of him kind of looks like a smart-aleky smirk. After his supposed winning time; it would have been an ugly performance at Boston. And I’m sure he woulda had some excuse. Thanks once again to Derek, and the the race directors!

  5. He also pretended to attend Harvard Law School for over a semester. Quite well known among the Class of 2017 and Class of 2018.

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