Last year I asked the question, Not Cool, or Not a Big Deal?
I came across this video of The Boston Marathon. I don’t need to even ask the question. This video was captured from NBC Sports live finish line feed
It wasn’t enough he decided to selfishly stop right on the finish line, somehow completely oblivious to the runner that was finishing right off his hip and proceeded to slammed her while extending his arms for a finish line pose.
After she ran by, he repeated the pose before heading off to collect his medal. He did not bother to check on the runner that he just hit.
It should go without saying. But be aware of your surroundings. Save your posing until after you cross the finish line. And above all, make sure you don’t impede or slug another runner.
Note: I was able to locate the photos and the identities of both runners. It appeared from the medal photos that the female runner was not seriously injured. It also appears that the male runner did not get the finish line photo he was desiring.
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I like how in the last photo HE is giving HER a dirty look – jackass.
There were many examples of selfless behavior and acts of kindness at Boston this year, but there were also many thoughtless acts as well. People threw their discarded clothing right in the middle of the road for other people to trip on, stopped right in the road, not even veering off to the side, stopped and walked along the water stations so other runners were blocked from getting a cup, and I got elbowed so many times in the chest I thought I was going to have bruises. You would think that half the runners had never been in a race before.
Many fewer identifiable race photos this year, what with people covering their numbers with raingear, etc… I’d be interested in how that affects your process.
I love your note about him not getting his finish line photo. Karma at work.
REV3 is a triathlon company, great race organizers. They stop your chip at the *beginning* of the finish chute. The big “FINISH” sign is all the way at the end, well after your chip has stopped. They then encourage you (being mindful of others, of course) to do whatever you want in the chute to celebrate. You won’t be interfering with anyone’s time as you do something goofy. You can stop, pose, walk, knee down and cry, ride a horse, whatever. Great idea, everyone loves it. Makes this sort of problem go away.
There’s a part of me that hoped there was a plot twist where when you checked out the identity of the runners you found out that one of them bandited the race or cheated their way to Boston …
He didn’t represent Mexico well.
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