Analysis of Rock ‘N’ Roll DC Marathon Results – Runner With Questionable 2016 Boston Qualifier Has Another Suspicious Result


I allowed some time to pass before posting on the Rock ‘N’ Roll DC Marathon. I’ve learned that the Rock N’ Roll Race results are unofficial until 3 weeks after the race. I reported on these runners immediately after the race and allowed some time for the results to be reviewed.

As of this morning, the runners profiled are in the official results. There actually were not a very large number of runners with Boston Qualifying times that obviously cheated, but there were a couple that are worth noting.



Bib # 32385 # 3:43:07 -1st in Age Group – Boston Qualifying Time


I’ve written about this runner before. She is scheduled to run Boston after qualifying at the 2016 RNR DC Marathon with a highly questionable result. Her 2016 result showed a similar pattern to 2017.


2016 Total Time Total Pace Split Pace
3.1 0:21:12 0:06:50 0:06:50
6.2 0:49:23 0:07:58 0:09:05
10 1:23:01 0:08:18 0:08:51
13.1 1:51:14 0:08:29 0:09:06
20 2:40:14 0:08:01 0:07:06
26.2 3:43:07 0:08:31 0:10:09
2016 Total Time Total Pace Split Pace
3.1 missed
6.2 0:49:27 0:07:59 0:07:59
10 1:25:39 0:08:34 0:09:32
13.1 1:49:56 0:08:24 0:07:50
20 2:40:13 0:08:01 0:07:17
26.2 3:49:12 0:08:45 0:11:08

She also showed similar patterns in 2012 and 2015.

For 2017 beyond missing the first split, she had a questionably fast pace particularly from mile 13.1 through 20. I have begun to use more detailed analytics to flag questionable splits. Looking at all Boston qualifiers from the race, I can predict each BQ runner’s split times for each segment and look for the outliers to review in more detail.. If a portion of the course is truly fast, that would be reflected in the prediction. Below is a graph with each BQ runner’s split pace as a % of overall pace for the split in question.


As you can see, her split pace (the big red dot) was much quicker than would be expected. I should also note that one reason that you may see this type of outlying time is if someone were to go out too fast and crash at the end. This was not the case with Maria. Given her history as well as her 2017 result, I do believe she should be removed from these results. (Of the other 2 blue dots that are below 90% of their overall pave for this segment, one was flagged as questionable, and the other went out fast and crashed hard at the end. She also only appears in photos at the finish line).

Bib # 32573 – Boston Qualifying Time



Total Time Total pace Split Pace
6.2 0:40:39 0:06:33 0:06:33
10 1:15:48 0:07:35 0:09:15
13.1 1:46:57 0:08:10 0:10:03
26.2 3:29:39 0:08:00 0:07:50

This is a clear cut case of course cutting. The missed and inconsistent splits are enough evidence to warrant a disqualification.

Additionally, he had a 28 minute chip/clock differential. Only 8 of 2373 runners had a larger differential. His differential was easily the largest among the Boston Qualifying runners. It would have been extremely difficult to fight through the crowds to achieve this time for any runner.

His history does not support this time. In 2016 he ran this race in 4:43:53 (and also missed the 20 mile mat). It appears he ran that race with his son (who also missed the 20 mile mat).

2015 – entered RNR DC half – it appears someone else wore his bib.

2014 – RNR DC 4:05:49 – appears legitimate

2013 – RNR DC 3:51:30 – appears legitimate




There are 2 more runners that I believe cheated on their way to Boston Qualifying times.  Both have been reported. 1 appears to be suspicious but the evidence is not 100% definitive. The other one is also clear cut, but the runner has no photos on the course, and did not post anything regarding the marathon on social media, so I chose to simply report her and not profile her at this time. I saw no instances of prior cheating with wither of these 2 runners.

Overall it appeared that this was a pretty clean race. However, in these 2 cases of obvious cutting, the race has been slow to react. They also have not acted on the 2016 race involving the first runner. Not disqualifying her from that race will allow her to run The Boston marathon next week.
To support the blog, and my efforts to keep race results clean, please consider a small contribution. These contributions go towards purchasing race photos, compensating those that work to pull data, and general expenses associated with the site.

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  1. Seriously! How obvious can this be? Derek, is this the same woman who ran Chicago in 2016 with the following time? If so, look at her suspicious splits there! I ran chicago and if you know the town and the course, there are plenty of ways to cut into the course. And as far as the guy is concerned, how pathetic. Hope they both get dq’d and exposed.

    05K 08:03:27AM 00:23:58 23:58 07:43 7.78
    10K 08:29:02AM 00:49:33 25:35 08:14 7.29
    15K 08:54:37AM 01:15:08 25:35 08:14 7.29
    20K 09:16:35AM 01:37:06 21:58 07:05 8.49
    HALF 09:22:15AM 01:42:46 05:41 08:20 7.21
    25K 09:44:17AM 02:04:48 22:02 09:05 6.61
    30K 10:04:17AM 02:24:48 20:00 06:27 9.33
    35K 10:33:04AM 02:53:35 28:48 09:16 6.48
    40K 11:03:23AM 03:23:54 30:20 09:46 6.15
    Finish 11:15:40AM 03:36:11 12:17 09:01 6.67

    • Pretty impressive for Maria to be able to throw down a 20 minute 5K between 25K and 30K in the 2016 Chicago Marathon. She also “ran” an impressive sub 22min 5K between 15K and 20K

      She ran Chicago every year from 2000 to 2008, running around 3:45 or so. (she would have been 38 in 2000 and 46 in 2008) Then she took a number of years off, and came back in 2015 with a 3:38 and in 2016 with a 3:36. Her pictures, however, suggest she is much larger and less fit than in her earlier years.

      I’ve run 58 marathons and have never been able to pick up my pace by nearly 3min/mile at any point in the race, let alone the latter stages.

      The one thing I can’t figure out is how she did a 3:39 at the 2016 Boston. Her splits seem consistent and reasonable. Trying to figure out if the person in the picture on the Marathon Photos Boston Marathon site, bib 20629, is the same as the one in this post and in the Chicago Marathon pictures.

  2. I just looked up their results on the RnR website for DC 2017 and neither is listed. I’m hoping they have been DQ’d!

  3. Catch them all. I know how hard it is to get BQ. Still aways off myself. Feel bad for any runner that BQ but didn’t get to run because of cheats likes these stealing hard earned spots.

    • I have unofficially run several of these over the years, starting at the very back of the pack so I didn’t take anyone’s “hard earned” spot…. I did not wear a fake bib in an attempt to get an “official” medal… I ran the race because it was exciting and fun to be there…. and at one time we were treated not like criminals, but like anyone else just out to enjoy the day, and be with other people… it is because of snobs like you that runners just out to enjoy the day are seen as some kind of evil entity… it is because of snobs like you that Boston has lost the magic of being the people’s race… well done.

  4. Marathon Investigation? What a bunch of idiots! I can understand stopping runners attempting to wear fake bibs, and accepting medals meant for official runners, however, that can easily be checked after they have finished the race. You people portray those running without a number as evil or criminals! Get a life! Rather than standing there wasting everyone’s time, you could be on the course assisting any runner that may need help! The Boston Marathon “used” to be the people’s race that welcomed official and non-official runners alike! It was not just a marathon…. it was about people coming together… that “was” part of the magic of the Boston Marathon! However, due to fools such as yourselves it is now just another exclusionary race that has lost that magic…… Of course, an often overlooked fact is that “public” tax dollars are used to provide the roads that these race organizations use to conduct their events! However, not once have I ever received a check from the BAA for using “my” roads on which to hold events such as the Boston Marathon? Therefore, as they are “publicly” funded roads I will feel free to run on them anytime I like, whether there is an event being held on them or not. Pull me of the course? I don’t think so…..

    • Hmmm, I think you may need to ask the local police etc about your “right” to run on public roads when an event like this is scheduled, it may not be as public as you think.
      In line with your comment, if a public official or police officer had blocked off a road & told you you couldn’t use it, do you do it anyway just because you think you have the right, or do you acknowledge that they have closed it for ‘public’ safety ?

      As I have only just discovered the MI site, I can’t say for certain, but from what I have read so far, no-one who runs without a number has been mentioned. The site seems to be about exposing cheats, particularly for those gaining qualification times to more prestigious events. If you ran without a number then this would not be possible.

  5. Reporting them to the race director of this marathon and to the B.A.A. is not enough. Shame them by publishing their NAMES on this site! They should be publicly shamed and humiliated so all their friends and family learn that they are cheaters. That is the worst punishment of all (worse than being scratched from Boston) and that is what hey deserve.

  6. Damn, Duane… how cheap can you be? Just register like everyone else so you can at least support the people who put on the race. Snob.

  7. Rock n Roll is the worst with courses…. lots of out-and-backs (like Seattle, has about 6 of them!! and I witnessed 2 course cutters in the 2016 Seattle RnR marathon race; where one woman looked to be in my division and could have easily taken first place missing a good 5 miles).

    Furthermore, RnR does not seem that concerned with integrity of it’s racers. It’s been known of racers dropping out (DNF), getting picked up be a cart and dropped off at the finish line only to receive FINISHER MEDALS. “Finisher” means you run from ground zero to 26.2/42k finish line.

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