Runner Spotted Obtaining Unauthorized Bib for Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon


Someone alerted me to this on Thursday night. The runner was looking for a bib for the R’n’R Nashville 1/2 Marathon.

It is my understanding that Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathons comes down harshly on bib swappers. RnR has been notified and they have flagged the entry for review. The runner potentially could be banned from future R’N’R events.

Also, the race is not sold out. Registration is available at the convention. I guess the runner is looking for a freebie or a discount just to run.  The issue with this is that the practice is clearly prohibited.

From the RNR Website:


Entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and entries are NON-TRANSFERABLE. Sorry, no exceptions. Once we receive and accept your entry, you will not receive a refund if you cannot participate. You may not give or sell your number to anyone else. You also may not transfer your application to the following year.

If you registered and are unable to participate in the race, we will be happy to mail your participant T-shirt to you. Participant T-shirts will be mailed approximately 4-6 weeks after the event.

It is a safety and liability issue. The race should know who is on their course. The Nashville weather will be brutal. They don’t need to be tending to unregistered runners. Also if there were a serious medical issue with a non registered runner, they would not know who to contact.

Please, when you register for a race, follow the rules that you agreed to. If you don’t like the rules for a particular race, choose another one to run.


After checking the live results, there is a runner with the bib in question. It is definitely not the person that is registered. That person is in Georgia for a Tough Mudder Event.


Thank you to all of those that have already contributed to the site. Contributions go towards site expenses, and to compensate those that help gather the data. Please consider making a small contribution to support the site.


One Time Contribution



  1. Must be nice to have enough disposable income to register for an RNR event (NOT cheap!), then decide to bag it for yet ANOTHER run, and face a ban from future RNR events. Unbelievable!

    • RnR usually have a deal a week after a race to register for next year’s race starting at either $59 or $69 plus fees. Not a bad deal.

  2. I ran RnR Nashville today and saw a few with the chrono tag on their shoe while the bib tag was still attached. Also lots of areas to potentially cut

    • The time piece for RnR race is a two piece item; one is the timing chip that goes on your shoe, the other is just a waste that some people leave on their bib or most people just throw away. If seen many pictures of runners at RnR races on social media where a person is wearing half of the timing chip on the bib.

  3. This happened at Vegas RnR too. I reported it but not sure anything was done about it. The person ran the full but when I looked up her bib#, it was assigned to a guy running the half. But she justified it by saying she ran self-supported. She didn’t take advantage of any aid stations, but she still took advantage to running for free on a closed course. And I’m sure helped herself to a medal as well!

  4. No, your wrong runners should be able to swap or return there bib if they are not able to make the race. you are arguing on the wrong side! racing is for runners these big organizations are in it for the profit and often times this comes at the cost of the customer paying money! #refundableraces

    • Who are you saying is ‘wrong’? I agree that runners should be able to swap bibs, within reason and with the support of the race.

      But, when you sign up, every race I know of has a stipulation that you NOT sell/give away your bib. If you do that, you are breaking the rules… literally. It’s a rule.

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